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Welcome to Neighbourhood Support Manawatu. Please let us know which newsletters you would like to receive below, so we can support you to stay connected with your neighbours and build safe, resilient communities.
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Newsletters - indicate what you DO wish to receive
Neighbourhood Support News
Crime alerts
Community updates
Local business updates
Street / area coordinator emails
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More information about our newsletters
Neighbourhood Support News - this is information about our work in your community, our events, and guidance about crime prevention.
Crime alerts - these are targeted emails to areas where crime has recently been reported, so you can stay up-to-date about what has happened in your area.
Community updates - this is a monthly newsletter sharing information from other organisations in our community that may be useful for our members to receive, such as from social services, Manawatu District Council or other not-for-profits.
Local business updates - this is information we share on behalf of businesses who provide financial support and / or have special offers for our members.
Street / area coordinator emails - these are updates from your coordinator relevant just to your street or area.
Read our privacy policy here
Read our privacy policy here
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