Update your details or become a member of Neighbourhood Support Manawatū
Welcome to Neighbourhood Support Manawatū.
Please add your details below, so we can support you to stay connected with your neighbours and build safe, resilient communities.
Please note that you are joining Neighbourhood Support Manawatū as a member of its Incorporated Society.
Your name
First name
Last name
Email address
Business Name (if applicable)
Cell phone
Home phone
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Share my details with my street coordinator
If you answer yes to this question, we will email you with details of who your current street coordinator is, and your details will be shared with them for the purpose of maintaining a local contact group with your neighbours.
Civil Defence and Emergency Management
A civil defence emergency response often calls for all hands on deck, and some in our community are more vulnerable to the impact of an emergency event than others.
We've established two registers to capture information from the community to strengthen our response capability and gain insights into who may need support. Fill in your details below if you'd like to be recorded on either of these registers.
This information may be made available to Manawatu District Council Emergency Managemens, as needed in an emergency. We encourage you to prepare your own plan for your own household. (link at the end of this form)
For more information see our privacy policy (link at end of form).
Emergency Response Skills Register
Certified electrician
Class 2+ driver licence
Comprehensive First Aid certified
Language translation ability
Licensed building practitioner
Medical doctor / Pharmacist
Pastoral care
Psychological first aid certified
Qualified arborist
Radio operator
Registered nurse
Site traffic management supervisor
Structural engineer
Wheels, Tracks & Rollers certified
Vulnerable Persons Register
Anxiety or other psychological disorder
Cognitively impaired
Dependency on electricity
Hearing impaired
Language difficulty
Mobility issue
Other mobility assistance user
Physical disability
Prior victim of abuse
Serious health condition
Vision impaired
Wheelchair user
Elderly and/or living alone
Please enter any other relevant details relating to one of our Registers here.
Newsletter preferences
We email newsletters to our members about community events and updates and provide NZ Police crime reports in your area.
By signing up you will automatically receive these newsletters, but you can unsubscribe from these at any time.
Set your email preferences
Neighbourhood Support News
Crime alerts
Additional information - optional
Date of Birth
If you belong to a marae in the Manawatu district, but live elsewhere, please enter your marae name here.
Next of Kin Name
Next of Kin Relationship
Your privacy matters to us
Read our privacy policy
Please check the highlighted fields